There are several locations on this earth, more than one might think, that simply do not comply with any known rules governing what we regard as conventional or normal. These are areas where objects, animals (and occasionally human beings) spontaneously vanish and reappear and in these same locations there are alleged sightings of UFOs, ghosts, spectral buildings and other phenomena that simply defy description. Over the years there have been several attempts to define the mechanism that allows these bizarre events to manifest, but so far nothing concrete has emerged. However, one feature common to them all is a long-standing reputation for supernatural phenomena of every type, the popular argot description of them is ‘window areas’ and the phenomena include:
- Sightings of pitch black, coffin sized artifacts that spontaneously appear and disappear, witnesses have described their appearance as gateways to an infinite stygian void. Others have likened them to the monolithic and featureless ‘Stargate’ that appeared in the film, ‘2001 a Space Odyssey’
- Reports that buildings, objects and sometimes people in these locations become completely enveloped in a strange luminescence.
- The presence of anomalous hybrids, especially wolf-like creatures
- Anomalous readings on magnetometers
- The occasional appearance of crop circles
- And, in particular, occult imagery and practices
While it may be no more than coincidence, surprisingly enough most, if not all of these features, can be found in the area surrounding the now near legendary Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland. What this actually signifies is not clear, but it is strange that many ancient locations associated with spirituality have this attendant quasi-occult and mystical tradition. One particular area in the United States, which is known to display a varying permutation of these characteristics, is the so-called ‘Skinwalker Ranch’ in Utah, [*Note*, a ‘Skinwalker’ is the title given by indigenous Native American tribes to shape-shifting, supernatural creatures akin to werewolves and other legendary creatures]. The owner of the ranch experienced a range of these phenomena including strange lights, encounters with apparent extraterrestrials, cattle mutilations (ten of their animals had been killed) and a shimmering portal several meters from the ground through which, they claimed, unearthly views could occasionally be glimpsed.
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